COVID Stole My Hair, But I Got It Back!

COVID Stole My Hair, But I Got It Back!

Hello everyone! I hope this new year has started off great for all of you. I have been a busy bee, formulating, testing and repeating. There are great things coming from Simple Indulgences, Inc. this year. Those of you on my email list will be able to experience and reap the benefits first. That is my little way of saying thank you for taking the time out to subscribe and follow this business.

Now, I want to share a little story with you. This time last year, I was fighting for my life. My new year was loaded with a good dose of the previous year’s COVID. I know, some do not believe COVID exists or is as bad as people make it to seem. Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I can only share my personal experiences. Anyway, it took me months to recover and there were times that I did not think I would make it to see the next day.

Fast forward about five or six months…I thought everything COVID was way behind me. Suddenly, I started losing my hair. Not the excessive shedding type hair loss, but rather the kind you see on the movies with people who are going through chemotherapy. Locks of hair were coming out at a time. It was so bad that my hair stylist was just quiet and teary-eyed while washing and styling my hair. One detangling session cost me a huge ball of hair lost. To put things in perspective for you, I have always had non-problematic, long, thick hair. I am not a vain person, but losing so much hair at that rapid rate was devastating for me. To feel the wind on your scalp when that has never been your experience is something. I talked to my doctors about it and they deemed I had the “Long-COVID”. Turns out, some of my friends were also losing hair. My edges were gone. My hair was so thin. It was terrible.

Now you have the terrible picture painted, let me tell you how it really was a wonderful thing! Well, you already know how this natural product journey began for me (if not, click here) and that’s exactly how this terrible tale turns wonderful. I was in desperate need and search of natural ingredients that could first of all stop my hair from falling out anymore. Secondly, I needed something to help my hair grow back healthy, strong, and thick.

I already had my formulas prepared for shampoo and conditioner, but had not been completely sure about how I wanted them to smell. I’ll be honest with you too, I do not enjoy actually doing my hair. Like I said, it has always been thick and I get hand cramps before I am even done detangling. Ha! Once I had kids and they had even thicker, harder to manage hair than mine, I gave up the fight and turned to a professional (cosmetologist that is). So, after finding all the key ingredients I wanted to use for the best results, I ran into another snag. Suddenly, after my hair had grown all the way back and thickened up, my scalp turned itchy!! I have never had to deal with an itchy scalp before. It is AWFUL! I empathize with everyone who suffers from an itchy scalp. I tried different hair oils, but they did not really work for me, or the results did not last long. So, one night I just couldn’t take it anymore. I went to my kitchen, brought out all of my oils, and created the oil that stopped my torture. My focus was of course to immediately stop the itching, but it was also to nourish my scalp that was now irritated and flaking. To my surprise, within a very short period of time, I was itchy and flake free AND my hair was growing at such a fast pace! So far, everyone that has tested it has had the same results.

I am so excited. My goal is always to help people. Sometimes you have to be able to experience things firsthand to fully understand the issues. Although it was very uncomfortable and emotional, I am so grateful that the results are three products that will definitely help others have healthy, strong and growing hair. And don’t even get me started on how they smell and feel! You will just have to try them for yourself. They will be available on the website tomorrow and I promise your hair will thank me.

For those that are currently experiencing extreme hair loss, stay encouraged. Your hair will grow back and it will be beautiful.

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