Embracing the Beauty of Our Imperfections

Embracing the Beauty of Our Imperfections

Beauty in imperfections?! I know, you are probably thinking what kind of cosmetics company is this? Well, let me tell you, I stand firm in the fact that being “normal” can lead to you not being you. If we all look the same, what is the fun or interesting thing about that? Life would be so drab. Have you ever heard the cliché, “Keep it simple, stupid”? Well, as rude as it sounds, some things are really that simple. Being you is one of those things.

Let me use myself as an example. In college, I had to take a personality assessment. It was determined that I was 51% introverted and 49% extroverted. So, in general, I like to quietly be by myself or with my small circle of important people. For sure not active on social media or purposely in front of crowds. However, I am capable of doing it when it’s necessary. My biggest motivation for putting myself out there is knowing it will help someone else. So here we are. I hope this will help you or someone you know.

I was struggling with what to write about because I don’t want to just give you information you can find in a Google search. I want to help you in multiple ways. A few months ago, I had a pretty bad accident that resulted in several injuries, including face and head injuries. It was devastating only because of the circumstances, intense pain and the resulting medical issues. I remember telling my husband, “How am I going to start marketing for my cosmetics company when my face is messed up?” To me, it is similar to not choosing a hair stylist that never combs their hair. Right? Or is it?

Imperfect Beauty

I know I’m not the only one that finds themselves sometimes uncomfortable in their own skin. Let’s face it, cosmetics and general self-care can help, but at the end of the day, we have imperfections that make us uniquely us. The scar on my face speaks volumes of overcoming hardships. The hyperpigmentation around my eyes unites me with other melanated people around the world. It has also been an indicator my husband can use to detect when I am unwell. COVID caused me to suffer hair loss as if I was a chemotherapy patient and turned my nails dark and weak. It made me aware of how other people in similar situations feel in those moments and search for helpful solutions toward restoration.

I’m sure we could all list imperfections with our skin and hair. Now, can you list the ones that bond you to someone else you love? Any that people always notice and have become the “uniquely you” feature? Any that tell the story of your life? Any that inspire you because they remind you of where you have been or what you have been through? Now, how about those pesky reminders to eat healthier and drink more water (you know, pimples, rashes, brittle hair, etc.)? Everything you just thought about in any of those categories now gets erased from the “ugly” imperfections list. Yes, even those pimples!

Cup of water Moisturize

Am I saying ignore what you don’t like about your skin or hair? No! I’m saying do not let your imperfections make you love yourself less and not see the beauty you already have. Deal with the pesky reminders first. Drink more water and add moisturizers to your routine if you deal with dry or sensitive skin, scalp or hair.  Hyperpigmentation? It’s natural but can be reduced with natural ingredients. Acne? We’ve got you. There are natural ingredients that have worked faster and more effectively than some medications. Either way, the first step is to know that you are beautiful and any steps you take will only enhance or accentuate the naturally accentuated features that make you, uniquely you.

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I read everything love it awesome ❤️

Vivian HargroveR

What is normal? We all have our own preconceived opinions of that. Yes, we all have imperfections and we just have to embrace who we really are. I put on my thinking hat. I enjoyed your blog.

Muriel Brooks

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