Pouring oil

Guess what my mom has been doing...You'll thank us later!

Today, I get to tell you about one of my passions and I’m so excited! If you read my first blog, you know that I love to learn (hence all the years of school I have had). Well, what you may not know is that I also love to teach! The past few years I had the honor of teaching English as a second language to many children. I find it enjoyable and exhilarating to witness someone else achieve their goals or finally master or learn a new skill. You may be wondering why I am sharing all of this. Well, this week I had the pleasure of teaching my mom soapmaking!! She was, no, we were, so proud of her creations. For those of you that have tried our dream bars and love them, you can thank my mama for the next round that is curing as I type! And if I’m being honest, hers is definitely prettier than mine.

While I love making products that allow people to nourish and heal their hair and skin naturally, I love DIY projects and teaching too. Next year, I plan to offer classes to teach people how to make some natural products at home. So, be on the lookout for future details and dates. Not in North Carolina? Don’t worry, something is in the works for you too, so you won’t miss this opportunity. Very few things are as satisfying as being self-sufficient and especially learning how to do it with friends and loved ones.

So, for those that are curious, here is the photo journey of our Dream Bar’s creation. These bars will spend the next few weeks curing. What does that mean? Well, over the next few weeks, they will be pulling themselves together to look, smell and feel the best for you. Just like how spaghetti tastes better the next day because the flavors have had more time to blend. All of the oils in soaps need time to blend, plus release extra water. What you’re left with is a solid, wonderfully scented bar that produces fantastic bubbles and lather. To me, that’s worth waiting for!

Here our journey begins:

 Luscious oilMixing oilsPoured cold processed soap

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