Sometimes Miracles Come In Small Packages

Sometimes Miracles Come In Small Packages

Hello everyone! Today, I am going to get straight to the point. Those of you who read my very first blog or know me, know that I began my formulating journey to meet the needs of my family. Well, now I really try hard to help others that have specific hair or skin issues find resolution. That is why I decided to take the Simple Indulgences journey. I want to help people. It really helps me know your needs and try to meet them when you send me feedback. Thank you to all who participated in the hair survey. I formulated the Healthy Rooted Tresses line with your needs in mind. Well, one of my customers just sent me an email last week to let me know her experience with my product. It truly warmed my heart, and I was so happy to know that I am helping someone. It is one thing to know that you create something that you or your family thinks is great, but completely something else when someone else sees it too.

The following is the email I received from a happy customer. I hope it also makes you smile.

I was diagnosed over twenty years ago with discoid lupus which affected my skin, scalp, lips, and my mouth. My scalp was always very tender, red with sores, burning and itching. The last four years my scalp felt like it was on fire. My beauticians would always ask me if they were hurting me when doing my hair because of the condition of my scalp. I am currently under the care of several doctors at Chapel Hill. I was getting steroid injections in my scalp every three months for the burning and hair loss in several places. I also was using Clobetasol which I didn’t realize was also a strong steroid.

I mentioned to Candace when we were both at the beauty shop how my scalp was feeling. When I explained what was going on she said, “I will do some research and get back to you.” I received the Soothe and Grow hair oil and was so excited to get home and try it. Immediately upon using it my scalp felt so cool. I think at first, I used too much. So, I didn’t use it for a couple of days. I couldn’t believe what was going on. My hair was not itching or burning.

I can’t wait until I return to my doctors in Chapel Hill to tell and show them the tremendous news. They will take pictures of my scalp and compare how my scalp looks NOW. Thank you, Candace for my miracle!

 As a formulator, it doesn’t get much better than that.

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This oil definitely has helped with dandruff control and itching. I use it for myself and my daughter. My daughter has a really dry scalp, and unfortunately she is unable to scratch her head when it itches. Using the oil at least a few times a week really helps. Anytime my scalp starts to itch I use the oil. I am comforted to know that the oil soothes my daughter’s scalp as well, and has helped control any dandruff buildup.

Renata Azizi

My scalp always itches and sore at times..gotta get your product

Dana Roberts

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