No "grease monkeys" please! Just Butter Me Up!

No "grease monkeys" please! Just Butter Me Up!

I’m so excited! We have new products to announce. As of today, our newest product…. drumroll please…. BODY BUTTER is here!! You thought I was just going to recommend you stay moisturized and not give you the tools, huh? Well, I wouldn’t do that. I can’t have you out there will dull, ashy skin! And I didn’t forget about the men either. This body butter is unscented, so anyone can use it. Also, I have made an unscented body cream available. Both products have a hint of a cocoa butter smell to them but are free of essential oils and fragrance. Perfect for those who are sensitive to scents, want no competition with their perfume or cologne, men, and those with sensitive skin.

Open Body Butter

You may be asking what’s the difference between body butter and body cream. The simple answer: body butter has no water. Body Butter is simply formulated with oils and butters. Cream is a mixture of oils, butters, water and emulsifiers. Cream feels like a thick lotion going onto your skin, while butter melts in your hands and coats the skin. I personally use body cream all over my body and body butter in areas prone to dryness (feet, hands, elbows, etc.).

Butters are especially important during the colder months to block moisture from escaping your skin during the harsh coldness or inside dry heat situations. I know what some may be thinking, and no, I’m not going to have you out there looking like a grease monkey!! Haha! For those of you who have never heard that or been labeled as one, let me shed some light. Some of us as children were slathered with Vaseline or other things (Crisco, etc.—no judgement here) to prevent us from becoming ashy. Well, the problem with that our skin was so shiny! It was so embarrassing, but in our community, nobody judged or said anything. It was outside of the community that you got looks and questions and shame. Have no fear. I’ve specially formulated this body butter to leave your skin feeling soft, not greasy and to shimmer not full-on shine like a mirror! It is all about balance. Our parents meant well and helped us stay moisturized, and not lose color (by becoming white with ash). Now you can help yourself and loved ones do the same thing without anyone knowing. They will just think you have such a healthy glow. So, what are you waiting for?! Give yourself and others the gift of glow!! Try Butter Me Up body butter.

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1 comment

Hello everyone! I just wanted to check in and give two thumbs up for this Butter Me Up body butter. It has definitely made a difference in the feel of my skin during this colder than usual spell here in North Carolina. I could hardly believe how much softer my skin felt after applying it. Give it a try. You will be amazed!

P. Brown

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