

Hello everyone! I know I haven’t blogged in a while. Sorry about that, but as the new saying goes, “Life was life-ing.” Thank you for all the encouraging calls, emails and messages checking on me and the company and ordering the past few months. You definitely motivated me to get back to the business at hand.

As many of you know, and newbies you will now find out, I wear many hats. I’m a wife, mom, farmer, business owner, author, veterinarian, and eternal learner. Those are just a few of my many hats. The last few months met me with hospital and ER visits, sick babies, sick self, and new babies on the farm. I’ve also been formulating new things to share with all of you! The reason I can stand behind my products confidently is because I have used them on myself and loved ones first. I know they will help others and that is why I offer them to you. If they don’t serve their intended purpose or a better one, you will never know they existed. You’re welcome (LOL).

On a serious note, we all wear so many hats in life. We are important to different people for different reasons. Sometimes our hats get too heavy. Sometimes we lose ourselves by being who everyone else needs us to be. So, today I want to challenge us all to do some self-evaluation. I have created a simple list to help us begin a journey of balance and self-care. Self-care doesn’t mean you have to be self-absorbed or selfish, it just means that you are taking moments to take care of yourself. It’s just like when you fly and they say if the oxygen drops, secure your oxygen before you assist others. I could just say, “Buy my products, you will feel and look better!” However, the reality is that there are no miracle products that can cure the results of self-neglect. I honestly care for everyone reading this and hope you will take a few minutes for you today.

Here is a quick breakdown of my short list to get you practicing self-care daily:

  1. Set boundaries: could be as simple as don’t talk to me before I drink my coffee, or I get 15 minutes to be home before anyone asks me for anything. At work, it could be that you don’t discuss work topics during your break times (and you take your breaks faithfully).
  2. Spend time alone. I like to fake sleep in the morning and just lay in bed to enjoy the quiet and sometimes I just go outside and take in the beauty of nature. Some may be in a state in life where the bathroom is your only safe place. Well, read a magazine article, play a game on your phone, take a relaxing bath/shower…do whatever it takes for you.
  3. Have self-compassion. We all make mistakes, miss deadlines, don’t reach personal goals. Give yourself a break, re-evaluate and let it go. You deserve that much.
  4. Say no. Seems self-explanatory, but really get comfortable with telling people no. No, I can’t be “volun-told” to do that activity. No, I don’t have time to do xyz. No, I don’t want to do that, and it’s okay. Get comfortable with no and those around you will get used to you speaking up for you.
  5. Create moments to do things you enjoy. For me, I really had to think about what I enjoy because I hadn’t been doing those things for a long time. I like to draw, paint, garden, read, write, learn new things, create things, etc. So, I just made it clear to those around me that if you see me doing these things, it’s my personal therapy (and you want me to continue). Even if you can only take 5-10 minutes to do it, take those minutes and enjoy yourself. I even take a coloring book around in my car to pass moments in the pickup lines at the school.
  6. Last but definitely not least, GET REGULAR CHECKUPS!! When was the last time you went to the doctor for a wellness visit? Do you have one scheduled? Do you have something strange going on in your body? Any pain? Don’t wait, schedule it today. A lot of times my kids will be afraid of different things that they are required to do. They will try avoiding them, maybe even have panic attacks or visible fear. I try to give them pep talks and assure them that it is not as bad as they think and I would never ask them to do something that would harm them, but fear has them blinded. Then, after they have done it, they say, “I don’t know what I was freaking out about. That was nothing.” I work past my momentary annoyance and encourage them to try to overcome fear sooner next time. So, if you are afraid of the unknown or know that past experiences have made you not enjoy going to the doctor, overcome. Too many people love you for you not to love yourself.
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