Stressed Skin No More: Natural Solutions For a Vibrant Complexion

Stressed Skin No More: Natural Solutions For a Vibrant Complexion

Hello again! Today I am writing about one of the worst enemies we all must fight…STRESS! If I were to be completely honest, the last three years of my life have been extremely stressful. Life has a way of throwing us different challenges. You may be wondering why a cosmetics company would be talking about stress. Well, stress just doesn’t mess with our mood, it wreaks havoc on every system in our bodies. That includes our hair and skin! It can lead to everything from annoying breakouts to unwelcome fine lines in our skin. Don’t worry though! I’m going to walk you through some wonderful natural solutions that I’m sure your skin will love.

First, since I am a scientist, let’s breakdown how stress really affects the skin. When we’re stressed, our body produces a hormone called cortisol. Our skin is the largest organ on our bodies. Cortisol causes trouble by decreasing our skin’s ability to hold moisture. That leads to dryness and triggers inflammation which can lead to acne or rosacea (redness). Not exactly the look we’re going for, right?

Our skin is an organ. That being said, we should never underestimate the power of what we put in our mouths. Foods rich in antioxidants (berries, leafy greens, red grapes, oranges, bell peppers, etc.) and omega-3 fatty acids (fish, nuts, avocado, eggs, etc.) can fight off the effects of stress on your skin. My personal favorite drink, WATER, is the cheapest and easiest beauty trick. Drinking plenty of water (recommended is 8 cups or 64 ounces per day) keeps your skin nice and happy.

Essential oils and aromatherapy can help too. You can add a few drops of oil in your lotions, baths or skin oils. Chamomile and lavender have calming effects on your mind and skin. They both soothe skin irritation and redness, plus, they are anti-inflammatory. Rosemary is good for improving blood circulation, which helps the skin heal and rejuvenate after being stressed. This could mean reduced swelling and puffiness or reducing sagging and wrinkles. Do your research. A word of caution, if you are like me and enjoy citrusy smells (orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime, bergamot), be careful because those oils can cause your skin to become sensitive to the sun. Reserve them for nighttime regimens. Aromatherapy is a wonderful way to de-stress daily and help not just your skin, but your overall well-being.

I know what some of you may be saying, “Sounds good, but who has time to do that?” I used to think like that too. Others may think it’s too expensive, but you can even get essential oils from craft stores for super cheap. Put your well-being as a priority in your life. Start small and work your way up. Maybe dedicate five minutes to do breathing exercises, meditation, journaling, stretches or any other thing you like to do that helps you relax. Try to add one of the healthy foods into your diet a few times a week. Buy a tumbler for your water so you can keep track of how much you drink (and set goals for yourself). Start a skin care regimen. It can be as simple as cleaning, treating and moisturizing your skin twice daily (morning and night). Let’s not forget that physical stress is a thing, so use sunscreen daily. If all else fails, light a candle or literally stop and smell the roses to clear your mind and relax.

Although stress in life is unavoidable, we can change how we respond and lessen its effect on ourselves. Our skin does not need to look like the stresses of life we’ve been through. With improving our diets, a little aromatherapy, and some self-care practices, you can have radiant skin despite life’s stresses. A lot of times we just want stories of survival or try to endure whatever we are faced with. Today, I challenge you to thrive and let your skin reflect your resilience!

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